

Hi! I am a brand and portrait photographer specializing in brand visuals for small business owners. Since 2019, I have helped over 100 small biz owners create a brand they love and get photos that move the needle in their business. My unique photography process allows my clients to experience an increase in leads, social media engagement and overall zest for life.

est. 2019

toronto, ca


I got a part-time job and dedicated every minute to building my business. I promoted myself on craigslist, hosted $50 mini sessions in my apartment and lugged my gear from job to job on the city bus because I was too scared to drive in Toronto.

As I promoted myself on social media, I noticed photos of myself performed way better than anything else. I became obsessed with building a personal brand and helping other small business owners do the same.

I’ve built my brand photography business on the philosophy that we should never have to settle for anything less than our ultimate vision.

Oh yes, the road to finding my calling has been rocky. The majority of my life I struggled to find my place, and I wondered why every program or job I tried felt so wrong.

Looking back, I realized the universe was trying to push me in the right direction because photography ALWAYS came up. It was never in the job description but surely enough, I became the in-house photographer for many companies.

I never planned on making my photography into a business until I worked for a young entrepreneur. I realized I was building someone’s else’s vision and that’s what felt wrong all along. I had my own vision (I’m also an Aries so I like to be in charge haha).

Because when we show up as our most empowered selves and let our dreams take up space, magical things start to happen.

how i got here


I took a photography class and got my first camera at 17 years old. I aspired to be a party photography like Mark Hunter (aka the Cobrasnake) so I took my camera to every single house party I attended.

got my first camera


Got my dream internship as a fashion blogger for a designer dress rental company in Toronto (completely unpaid for A YEAR). I never had any intention of doing photography at any of my roles throughout the years but the universe had different plans. They asked if anyone could take photos of the dresses and I volunteered. This gave me confidence in planning photoshoots from the ground up.

got my dream internship


After dropping out of post-secondary school 3 times, I finally graduate from Humber College with a diploma in Media Communications! The teachers are here changed my life because they constantly affirmed that I was talented and pushed me to be better.

graduated from college


I started working for an all natural haircare brand as the Marketing Director. Photography literally followed me in every single job I had - I took all the product photos for their website and Instagram. The founder of the company was only 23 years old! This was so inspiring to see and eventually I left to build to build my own vision.

became a marketing director


Another job that ‘helped’ me become a full-time business owner. I worked as a part-time Marketing Coordinator at a non-profit for 4 years while building my business. My office view was literally a parking garage! There were some dark times, but the people here were incredible. They knew about my business from day one and were incredibly supportive.

worked for non-profit


Moved from Toronto to Orangeville with my partner and step-daughter! Covid hit and this was my time to experiment with everything. I tried product photography, course creation, selling stock images and templates, and realized that there is nothing I love more in this world than helping small business owners feel confident in their brand. I would put all my effort into this.

discovered my passion


I quit my part-time job and went full-time in my business! I also did headshots for the Dufferin County council, won the Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Photography Services in Orangeville and hosted my first content creation workshop!

quit my job


I’ve helped hundreds of business owners create a brand they love and get photos that move the needle in their business! Offering more services, more workshops and more opportunities that reconnect us with the excitement of entrepreneurship!

... and here we are!



Learn more about how I built a strong personal brand and helped my clients do the same on these podcast interviews. 


