a behind-the-scenes look at the 

the blog

etc etc etc.

Avalon mohns

I got my first professional camera at 17 years old with the dream of becoming a party photographer (yes, this a real thing). As the years went on, this dream faded hard but I always kept photography as a hobby.

My launch into entrepreneurship began the same as many others: escaping a 9-5 job that drained me. I quit with no other plan than to get a part-time job and advertise myself on Craigslist (spoiler alert: sketchy).

I found my speciality when I started promoting myself on social media and noticed the majority of headshots and personal branding photography were lacking vision. I saw a lot of the same style and systems being repeated and it all felt very meh.

Since then I’ve helped hundreds of small business owners and professionals reclaim their awesomeness through photography and content creation. If you want everything you do to be epic and awe-inspiring, then we’re the perfect match. 

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fun right here!

hi, I'm


5 simple and low-cost photoshoot ideas you can steal

Planning your next shoot?

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