Hamilton Brand Photography: True Health Therapy

Therapist listening to patient, brand photography for True Health Therapy Hamilton

I first met Allen as a student of my course, Instagram Brand Breakthrough, and I knew he was trying to get his own health clinic off the ground. After the course ended, he connected with me again, once he landed his own space, to get some branding photos done.

True Health Therapy is totally unique in the way it connects body, mind, and soul. Allen not only offers transitional therapy sessions, but Fascial Stretch therapy and personal training as well. His holistic approach to health care has connected many of his patients to simpler times, removing the chaos of the 21st century and reminding them that less is more.

The goal of the shoot was to capture these many facets of his practice, but also highlight his passion for nature and holistic healing. Our first location, Old Martin Road Trail, was perfect to get the shots in nature we were hoping for. Allen even offers ‘walking’ therapy sessions and this is where he will actually take his clients for their sessions – how amazing is that?

Our second location was at his clinic in Hamilton, which we used to showcase more of his therapy services and the fascial stretching. We ended the session near a small window at the back of the clinic, which was tricky to get the angle right, but actually ended up being some of my favourite photos.

I look forward to working with Allen again and seeing Hamliton in full bloom next time.

Want to see more Toronto & GTA Brand Photography? You can check out my Brand & Product Photography portfolio.

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