Toronto Personal Brand Photography: Steph Morris

Woman sitting on couch at Mint Room Studios in Toronto

Toronto Personal Brand Photography: Steph Morris

Steph and I have stayed in touch ever since she hired me to photograph a personal branding event back in 2019. Wanting to launch her own personal brand and coaching business, she came to me for some photos.

Steph Morris is a Feminine Embodiment + Empowerment Coach that helps women step into the radiant woman that they are. She is also certified in breath-work and meditation. 

The goal of our shoot was to really nail the feelings Steph’s brand can evoke: excited, hopeful, trust, and love. I knew from the get-go I wanted to really focus on movement and candid moments that felt really empowering and authentic. Steph also sent over some amazing inspiration photos that we were able to work off of.

We started on the streets of Toronto, right around Mint Studios (where we were headed after). I scoped out a cute coffee shop, a patio and an off-the-map parking lot for our shots. Although it was risky, I was really looking forward to seeing what magic we could create in this parking lot. We got a few stares from the truckers who seemed to come in and out of this lot, but the photos turned out amazing.

Then we headed to the Conservatory Room at Mint Studios, Toronto. This room is one I’ve been dying to shoot in because of its neutral theme and mid-century vibes. Steph moved through some of her embodiment and breathwork practices in real time as I snapped away.

Did I mention our shoot fell on the day RIGHT before another month-long lockdown? Talk about timing.

Steph is now offering her 1:1 coaching program: Love Me: The Radiant and you can connect with her at @iamstephmorris

Looking to get Personal Brand Photography done for your social media and website? You can check out my full pricing guide here. I look forward to hearing from you!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

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