Orangeville Brand Photography: Fresh Bloom

Orangeville Brand Photography: Fresh Bloom

Flesh bloom is a Orangeville based business specializing in fertility. Taryn, the owner, is a full spectrum doula and fertility support practitioner helping families who are struggling to conceive. It was important to her to capture some Orangeville Brand Photography that highlighted local establishments and felt really supportive and approachable.

Taryn described her brand as: authentic, approachable and healing. She also knew her ideal clients loved spending time in nature, with loved ones and supporting all things local! I immediately knew it was important to hit on all of these themes and we made it happen!

I first asked Taryn if it would be possible to shoot in her home with her family. There is literally no better way to capture authenticity and the value of family! Turns out she has three kids of her own and was excited about the idea of them being in the photos, so the first location was a go.

Next, the mention of nature combined with her company name, Fresh Bloom, led me to picking Dufferin Garden Centre, Orangeville for our next location – a place where things are fresh and constantly in bloom. Right next to the garden centre we found a beautiful patch of grass and some trees, and because it wasn’t a ‘park’ there was not a single person there!

Our last location was wandering the streets of downtown Orangeville! Taryn got a smoothie from a local coffee shop and we had fun posing in front of different storefronts. The result feels really diverse, but consistent in its light hearted and welcoming nature. It made me love this town I live in a little more. 

You can learn more about Fresh Bloom’s services at their website.

Want to see more Toronto & Orangeville Brand Photography? You can check out my Brand & Product Photography portfolio.



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