Brand Photography Toronto: Simply Flourished Co.

Stacey is a holistic nutritionist, artisan skincare creator, and certified facial reflexologist. She made the full-time leap into her business during Covid and she was ready to go all in! This included a new website and brand photography!

Stacey’s ideal clients are very interested in holistic living and all things natural. It was important to find a space that felt airy, organic, and calming. There were also tons of props involved that showcase what Stacey offers, but also what her dream clients would resonate with.

Stacey definitely uses technology for her business, but notice how there are no photos behind a laptop or phone. This is intentional because her clients are trying to move away from a ‘busy’ lifestyle into one that is more holistic and slower paced. Stacey is portraying a lifestyle they desire in her photos.

Skincare and wellness Simply Flourished uses brand photography Toronto for their website banner
The Next Level Brand Photography Package also contains hi-quality videos that are great for website banners.

It was also important that we get lots of ‘detail’ shots that could be used instead of stock photos. This is something that is often missed in other brand packages and it can cause a broken link when it comes to brand consistency. By booking the Next Level Brand Package, Stacey also received hi-res video clips, which she used on the homepage of her website!

The final photos are a perfect reflection of Stacey’s brand! They portray a lifestyle that appeals to her ideal client, showcase her unique offerings and products, and includes tons of variety so they can used back-to-back without looking the exact same.

If you’re looking for Brand Photography Toronto, we specialize in developing brands for small business owners that bring in more business. We do thorough intake so you end up with photos that are exactly how you envisioned and attract your dream customers/clients.

There are limited branding spots for this month. Learn more about our most popular Brand Package here and get in touch today!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies