Orangeville Brand Photography: Jane Vogel for Expedia Cruises

Orangeville Brand Photography for Expedia Cruises in Orangeville

I’ve been on a few cruises and have absolutely loved them, so I was thrilled when Jane from Expedia Cruises in Orangeville contacted me about a brand shoot! She was in the midst of learning more about social media marketing and wanted lots of content to work with.

After receiving Jane’s intake questionnaire as part of our Next Level Brand package, it was very clear that her client’s have some money to spend, and that we would be focusing on a more luxury-motivated client.

For locations we decided on using her home and local restaurant, Greystones, which I’ve shot at before. This Georgian landmark adorned in eclectic decor – and tons of ambient lighting – would be exactly the spot her ideal customers would hang out. There is something about this space that transports you to another place, almost as if you’re on vacation!

Jane wanted to keep props pretty simple, but it was important we used a few to differentiate her brand. Brand photos without props or furnishings run the risk of just looking like generic headshots and they don’t communicate much about your unique offerings or how you can help your ideal clients/customers.

We incorporated some wine and drinks, as well as a little letter-board reading: ‘take the cruise’. This photo alone will jump out on her website and social media and tell visitors exactly what she does in an instant. That is the power of a good brand photo and we always make sure to get at least a few of these in every shoot.

The shoot wrapped up at Greystones restaurant and we were incredibly happy with the variety we were able to get! Because Jane got the Next Level Brand Package, she also got 3 high quality videos to use on her website, in stories, reels, or whatever she chooses!

If you’re living in Dufferin County, head to Expedia Cruises in Orangeville to book your next vacation! You can also find Jane on Instagram where she documents her latest travels.  

If you’re looking for Orangeville Brand Photography, we specialize in developing brands for small business owners that bring in more business. We do a thorough intake so you end up with photos that are exactly how you envisioned and attract your dream customers/clients.

There are limited branding spots for this month. Learn more about our most popular Brand Package here and get in touch today!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies