Orangeville Photography for Sona Skin Studio

This is an Orangeville business I’ve kept my eye on, so I was thrilled when Sona Skin Studio reached out to me! Sarah, owner of the studio, was looking for a mix of photos, videos, and graphics for social media so we paired a few of our packages together to fulfill her needs!

Her Brand Goals

This skincare studio in Orangeville is very active on social media so they wanted a lot of content to use.

This included photos and videos of their services, their team and custom graphics for social media to announce new products, services and promotions.

Orangeville photography for Sona Skin Studio

It was really important to convey luxury in her content, and capture how a client would feel within the space.

They also wanted a more on-brand and harmonious feel on their social media – to look like brand rather than a business DIY-ing their own content.

The Brand Photoshoot

The Sona Skin Studio in Orangeville is a gorgeous space so we planned the whole shoot within their salon.

Every room in her studio has such a unique mood and ambience, it was important to highlight this. We choose to use the existing lighting in the treatment rooms instead of any artificial lighting.

We arranged for existing clients to come in, and took photos and videos as the treatment were being performed. Getting Sarah and her team to move through the treatments allowed for the photos to look natural and highlight an authentic client experience.

After the shoot, custom graphics were created with our Custom Canva Templates Add-on Service. Our graphic designer used their brand photos to create Canva Templates for social media that cold be updated and used again. We learned from Sarah what her most popular topics on social media were and used this information to create a graphic for each ‘topic’. 

The Results

Sona Skin Studio ended up with a large archive of photos, videos and custom graphics to use on their social media for months and months to come.

The unique  lighting/editing style really gave the studio a look that is all their own. And when you’re building a BRAND, a distinct look and feel is imperative.

Orangeville photography for Sona Skin Studio

The custom graphics reinforce their brand colours, fonts and elements, and have up-leveled their social media presence. Their content looks professional and consistent without much effort.

If you’re looking for content that takes your business to the next level, check out our brand services. You can pair any brand shoot with graphic design and videography add-ons to stretch your content even further.

Ready to turn your business into a brand? Get in touch through our contact form. We would love to chat about your vision for your business!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies