How to Tweak Your Social Media Strategy to Attract More Personal Brand Photography Clients

If you’re a personal brand photographer who’s ready to go full-time, but you’re currently juggling weddings, family sessions, and everything in between, strengthening your social media strategy is key to attracting more personal brand clients.

Social media is the ultimate tool in positioning yourself as an expert in personal brand photography and draw in people who need your services to grow their business! The following tips will help you tweak your content to make that transition:

1. Develop Content Pillars That Solve Your Client’s Pain Points

It’s boring, but one of the most important aspects of social media success is consistency – and content pillars can help you stay focused.

For personal brand photographers, your pillars should center around solving your target clients’ problems.

For example, is your ideal client struggling to get leads on social media? Are they wanting to attract a more premium client? Do they simply want more confidence in their brand? Create educational content that shows how personal brand photography can help increase their leads on social media, make them appear more luxury or give them the confidence they need to launch the course, sell the offer, or make that next big move.

Example content ideas:

  • “5 personal brand photos that scream luxury so you can attract your next premium client”
  • “Been hesitant to sell on social media lately? I know why”

Visual content:

  • Share a carousel post with 5 brand photo examples that invoke luxury 
  • Share a post about how misaligned visuals can prevent you from feeling confident in your brand and selling your latest offers

2. Highlight the Transformation You Provide

Your future clients need to see the value in your work beyond beautiful images (because realistically, they can hire a lot of photographers for that.)

They want to understand the results they can expect from working with you. Showcase the transformation your clients go through by sharing their success stories.

Example: You had a client who was launching a business but had no cohesive visuals for their website and marketing materials. After working with you, they left with a library of personal brand images that helped them double their leads from social media and increase engagement. Share their story, including the “before” situation, the process of working with you, and the “after” results.

Visual content:

  • A testimonial video from the client or a side-by-side graphic showing how your personal brand photos elevated their branding

3. Be Repetitive—Sell Your Offers Constantly

Don’t be afraid to talk about your services regularly! It’s easy to feel like you’re being too “salesy,” but the reality is, not everyone will see every post.

It’s also important to remember that different messages resonate with different people. Try speaking about your offers in different ways because you never know what message will land with someone.

The trick here is to not just list off the features and benefits of your package but focus on the transformation your client will experience. Tie it back to a feeling or desire.

Example content ideas:

  • “I helped my client go from crickets in her DMs to getting qualified leads every time she posts”
  • “Feeling confident in your brand and having fun on social media again begins your visuals”

Visual content:

  • A instagram story walking through how you helped your client get more leads on social with her brand photos 
  • A carousel post that outlines how feeling disconnected and uninspired by your brand might mean it’s time for brand refresh (and new brand photos!)

4. Experiment with an Email-List-Only Promotion

Email marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool, especially when paired with social media.

Create an email list and offer a special promotion that’s only available to your email subscribers, like first dibs on mini-sessions or discounted sessions.

I’ve used this repeatedly for mini sessions and it’s a great way to get direct access to people who are interested in your services.

Advertise this promotion on your social media to encourage people to sign up for your list, then continue to nurture them through email by solving their problems (pro tip: repurpose some of your best instagram captions into longer form emails) and offering your services.

Example content ideas:

  • “My email list gets first dibs on mini sessions and these sell out fast! Join my email list for early booking and discounts!”

Visual content:

  • A graphic promoting the email-list-only promotion, paired with a link in bio call-to-action

5. Be Authentic and Share Your Story

You’ve heard it a million times – be ‘authentic.’ The word is definitely overused but the philosophy is not.

We are so desensitized to advertising that I truly believe personal branding is the only way to cut through the clutter these days. Humans want to connect with other humans.

The more people understand you the more they understand what unique gifts you bring to the table. They can see what you offer is different because of who you are and the energy you show up in.

So share why you’re passion about personal brand photography, any obstacles you faced in your business, how you bring creativity into your everyday life and everything else that errs on personal side but still relevant to your biz.

Example content ideas:

  • “5 things I wish I would have done sooner to go full-time in my business.”
  • “Why I love working with small business owners.”

Visual content:

  • A mix of personal photos, behind-the-scenes shots, and storytelling reels.

If you’re ready to stop saying yes to weddings and family shoots and transition fully into personal brand photography, I’ve got something special for you. Download my free 60-day Social Media Content Plan designed specifically for personal brand photographers.

This plan will help you position yourself as an authority, connect with your ideal clients, and make the transition to full-time brand photography. These are the exact captions I used to nurture an audience, go full-time in my business, and hit 10K months as a brand photographer.

Get your freebie today and start attracting the clients you dream of!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies