Guest Blog: 4 Things Your Brand & Web Designer Wants You to Know About Photography

Killer brand photos are like, 80% of what makes a website pop, and I know this because I’ve designed over 200 of them. 

Oh hey, have we met? I’m Sarah Kleist, a brand and web designer based in NYC, and the designer behind the website you are literally scrolling on right now. (Hope you love it as much as Avalon and I, by the way!)

Avalon and I connected when she hired me to design her brand and website. And as we dove into the project, we discovered we shared a brain when it comes to next-level brand photography and the impact it can make in a brand identity.

Working with Avalon on her brand & site was like finding the yin to my yang in the world of visual storytelling. We vibed hard on the idea that in 2024, your brand deserves way more than those yawn-inducing, cookie-cutter photoshoots. (You know the ones – all white backgrounds and forced smiles. Yikes.) So now, I’m here on Avalon’s blog to drop some knowledge about what your brand & web designer really wants you to know about brand photography. Let’s get into it, shall we?

4 Things Your Brand & Web Designer Wants You to Know About Photography

Now, let’s get real for a sec. Brand photography and web design? They’re like avocado and toast – meant to be together. In fact, they’re so intertwined that I don’t even take on clients who don’t have brand photos. 

Harsh? Maybe. 

But without top-notch visuals, I’m basically trying to build a mansion with popsicle sticks. Not exactly setting anyone up for success.

Here’s what I always say: if you’re torn between investing in photography or design first, always, always, ALWAYS go for the photography. Why? Because great photos give your designer the visual ammo we need to create a website that’s not just pretty, but strategic, too. 

And with that hot take out of the way, let’s dive in.

Your photoshoot should scream “you”

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: aka, those cookie-cutter, white-studio, stiff-as-a-board headshots that you see ALLLLLL over Pinterest. In 2024, they’re about as exciting as watching paint dry. Sorry not sorry, but your brand deserves wayyyyyy more oomf than that! 

(And I know, I know—if you’ve been following or reading Avalon’s blog for any period of time, you’ve definitely heard her say this before. But I wanted to make sure you know that it’s not just photographers who think this, it’s designers and marketers too!) 

Your brand has a unique energy, a special sauce that makes you YOU. And your photos? They should be personality-packed shots that make your audience go, “Whoaaaaaaaaa, I need to know more about this person.” 

Plan for versatile shots that actually represent your brand.

So, when planning your next brand photoshoot, challenge yourself to break out of the white-studio mold. Maybe you’re an educator who does your best thinking on hikes – let’s see you in action on a trail! Or perhaps you’re a financial advisor with a passion for vintage cars – why not incorporate that into your brand & shoot? Let’s be clear, though— I’ve got nothing against a white studio if your brand actually calls for something like that, but remember: in the scrolling frenzy of social media and websites, you’ve got about 0.5 seconds to grab someone’s attention. Generic just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Plan for versatile shots that can be used in various contexts.

Lucky you! You’ve landed on a photographer’s site who’s got this down to an art form, and trust me, your web designer will be doing a happy dance.

When you’re planning your brand photoshoot, you want a varied mix that’ll keep your content fresh across allllll the different layouts that your designer could possibly design:

  • Close-ups: Great for establishing a sense of trust
  • Medium shots: The most versatile of photos – not too close, not too far
  • Long shots: To set the scene and show your whole vibe
  • Textures and details: Great for backgrounds and overlaying text
  • Photos of you in action: Showing off your skills 
  • Candids: For that sense of genuine authenticity (even if it took 50 tries)
  • Horizontal shots: Perfect for website headers 
  • Vertical shots: Perfect for all other site layouts

With this variety, your web designer never be caught in that “I have no imagery to use for this section” panic. Your brand & website will absolutely slay, and it’ll bring all your marketing materials together perfectly.

Consider the colours

Say red is one of your main brand colors, and you decide to go all-in with a monochromatic, red-studio photoshoot. Bold move? Absolutely. (I’d actually love to see this.)

Here’s the thing about color in brand photography & websites – it’s not just about looking pretty, it’s about strategic choices that elevate your entire brand experience. When you commit to a strong color direction in your photos, you’re giving your designer a powerful tool to work with.

But here’s where it gets interesting: Depending on the rest of your palette and the clients you’re aiming to attract, how I use those bold red photos in a design can vary wildly. 

Committing to a colour palette can elevate your entire brand experience.

I might decide to let those vibrant red photos take center stage and use one of your other brand colours for most backgrounds to create contrast. Or, if your brand is all about that fiery energy, we might lean even further into the red, creating a website that’s as bold red as your photoshoot.

The key is this—color choices make all the difference, and it’s something to seriously consider before your shoot. Your photos don’t exist in a vacuum, they’re part of your larger brand ecosystem. So when you’re planning your shoot, think about how those colors will play with your other colors, your logo, your typography, and even the tone of your copy.

(And discuss these things with your photographer beforehand!)

Brand photography should evolve with your business growth.

Your business is growing, you’re evolving, and guess what? Your brand photography needs to keep up.

That amazing photoshoot you did when you first launched? It’s not going to cut it forever. I know, I know – you looked fab, the lighting was perfect, and it cost a pretty penny. But you really do need to think of brand photography as a living, breathing part of your business, not a one-and-done task.

For starters, you’re not the same person you were two years ago. (And thank god for that, right?) Your business has grown, and your photos should reflect the current you.

But from a brand & marketing perspective, regular photo updates let you stay on trend visually without messing with the core of your brand identity. Your logo, colors, and fonts are like the bones of your brand. They should stay relatively consistent. But a new photoshoot is the perfect excuse to inject a fresh new energy into your brand.

(Plus, let’s be real – it’s a great excuse to get glammed up and feel like a model for a day. Who doesn’t want that?)

Brand Photography & Design = Avocado & Toast

Killer brand photography isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s the secret sauce that takes your marketing from good to great. ‘Cuz in a world where everyone and their dog has a website, standing out isn’t just important, it’s crucial. Your brand photos are your chance to show the world who you really are, to connect with your dream clients, and to create a visual story that people just can’t help but be drawn into.

So, can we all just take a moment to appreciate the fact that you’ve landed on Avalon’s site? You’ve struck gold! Avalon isn’t just a photographer—she’s a visual storyteller and a brand-elevation expert. You’re in the best possible hands to create photos that will make your brand shine bright.

And hey, once Avalon has worked her magic and you’re sitting pretty with a collection of drop-dead gorgeous brand photos, if you find yourself thinking, “Damn, now I need a website that does these photos justice,” – well, that’s where I come in. You can find me over here. Because great minds think alike, and great brands deserve both stunning photos and a website to match. 😉

Remember, your brand is a living, breathing thing. Treat it well, let it evolve, and give it the photographic love it deserves. Your future self (and your bank account) will thank you.



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies