Why is Personal Brand Photography so Important?

There are a lot of business out there these days, and almost everyone will tell you that their industry is ‘saturated’. Yes, it’s true that there are more small business than ever before but there are also more opportunities to make yours stand out. This is why personal brand photography is so important – because it allows you to become the face of your brand and you are what makes your business unique.

1. Personal Brand Photography Makes it Easy to Stand Out 

As mentioned before, there are a lot of businesses out there that are similar to yours. My response when someone tells me their industry is too crowded: SO WHAT?

The reality is that there is no one like you. No one can do what you do exactly how you do it (read that again). This is the secret sauce.

A interior designer looking at tile samples
Personal brand photography makes it easy to highlight what is unique about you and your process.

When we build a personal brand around our business we are giving them a lot more reasons to buy. Because chances are, your ideal client can find hundreds of offers just like yours. What really sells it is you.

Personal brand photography is most effective way to stand out amongst your competitors because it puts you at the forefront of your brand. This is something that no one else has

2. Personal Brand Photos Builds Trust 

It’s been proven time and time again that people respond to a real human rather than a ‘brand’. 

Using personal brand photography to promote your business allows people to get to know you, like you, and ultimately trust you (also known as the know, like, trust principle). And its the last stage – the trust – that converts your followers into sales.

In a survey by Branding Brand, 70% of consumers said they are more likely to buy from a company if its CEO uses social media to communicate with customers.

And it’s just not the sales! It’s so much easier to share real stories, form genuine connections, and spark meaningful conversation when you’re dealing with a real person.

It’s the reason we all joined social media in the first place: to connect with others.

3. Personal Brand Photos Makes Great Content 

Remember when a perfectly curated Instagram feed was all the rage? More personal and authentic content has taken its place.

Personal brand photography makes for great content – not only because it performs well – but because it feels like you.

A social media manager holding up a phone with her 'about me' on display
Our clients see an immediate increase in engagement and leads after using their brand photos.

Planning a personal brand shoot properly can be the best of both worlds: it shows off your personality and promotes your business.

Also, shooting with a personal brand photographer means you get multiple locations, outfits, and props so you can post your photos back to back on social media without them all looking the same.

Personal brand photography makes content creation fun, dynamic, and way easier than creating a Canva graphic everyday.

4. Personal Brand Photography is Incredibly Versatile

Personal brand photos can be used everywhere. As profile pictures, social media content, in your guides and freebies, and on your website.

And because you booked a photoshoot with a personal brand photographer, they provided you with photos of different orientations so they can be used in all different formats (reels, website banners, facebook covers, etc.)

5. Personal Brand Photography Positions You as The Expert

Sharing person brand photos reinforces that YOU are the expert. What you sell is great but you are the real edge and people should know this. It’s what will make them go with you over someone else.

a laptop that shows an 'about me' page on a website

When we have the confidence to be the poster child for our business, our people can feel that. And it makes them that much more sure that we will get results for them.

6. Personal Brand Photoshoots Are Just a Vibe 

The last but certainly not least. Personal brand photography is simply a vibe.

It’s a way of celebrating ourselves, the transformations we’ve facilitated for our clients, and stepping into our power.

It’s a whole photoshoot dedicated to what makes you and your business awesome. I’ve never met anyone who didn’t love how they felt after a brand photoshoot.

a brand photographer taking a photo of a client in a studio
A personal brand photoshoot is a great way to celebrate you and your business.

That post-photoshoot excitement also lives long after the images delivered. Personal brand photos spark so many ideas for fresh content and just feel so exciting to post.

I could go on forever about why personal brand photography is so damn powerful but these reasons here are all anyone needs.

Investing in personal brand photos not only allows us to be the best version of ourselves but it also works wonders in growing our business.

If you’re ready to step into your full power as a business owner, then we’re here for you. Avalon Mohns Photography is a Toronto-based brand photography and content creation studio. We help female service-providers and coaches become the face of their brand with content that feels alive and attracts their dream clients.

Check out all our vibe-y brand services here.



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies