How to Make Your Corporate Headshots Toronto Stand Out

We all have an idea of what headshots should look like, but does this really reflect your company? It’s easier to just go the classic route and book with a photographer that provides a plain white backdrop, but getting more creative can really go a long way. Here’s how to make your corporate headshots Toronto stand out so that you don’t get lost in the clutter and your colleagues get photos that feel authentic to them.

Hire a Photographer That Provides On-Location Services

Many Toronto headshots photographers operate out of a studio. This allows for them to book clients all day long and have a huge turnaround. This can be a really great way to go if you’re looking for something simple, but if you want a creative twist on your photos, look for a photographer that provides on-location services. 

This means they are mobile and they can go to your office or any location of your choosing. This can be a great option as many companies have nice offices that can be utilized as a background or it gives you the option to totally customize your location, which leads me to my next point…

Choose a Unique Location for Your Headshots

Getting your headshot taken on a white or plain background undoubtedly makes your photo look generic. It doesn’t say much to your company values, personality, or even the individual getting their photo taken.

Check to see if your photographer can recommend some locations or do some scouting for you. There are so many Toronto studios that make for great backgrounds.

Choosing a unique location for your corporate headshots not only makes your photos stand out, but it feels more relaxed than a stuffy studio.

Make Time for Team Photos

A great way to show off the dynamic of your team is to also make time for some team photos. 

Breaking off into smaller groups – organized by department – can help these photos feel more relaxed and intimate.

How to make your corporate headshots Toronto stand out

Instead of just flowing your team page with headshots, try sprinkling in a few team photos as well to tell more of a story about your company values and mission.

Doing group photos at the beginning of your session is also a surefire way to get people relaxed and ready for their individual photos.

Forget The ‘Rules’ 

Lastly, there is no law that states a headshot has to look a certain way. If the subject is in focus and their face is in frame, you have your headshot.

The most important thing is getting photos that accurately reflect your company and your team is actually excited to use. If you deliver photos that people want to use across their social media platforms, this can trace back to your website and reinforce your branding (bonus points if your brand colour is incorporated in some way). 

Finding a photographer who’s willing to brainstorm with you will make all the difference!

Bottom line: corporate headshots don’t have to be boring. You can make the whole experience feel really aligned and fun with these points in mind. 

If you’re looking to get your headshots done in Toronto or GTA, check out my headshots packages or for larger teams, contact me for a custom quote. I’d love to talk about what we can do to make your team shine!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies