Brand Photoshoot Ideas to Inspire Your Next Shoot

Planning a brand photoshoot can bring up a lot of questions you haven’t necessarily thought of before. There’s a million different directions you can go, but which is right for your brand? The look is very important, but my priority as a brand photographer is to always go a little deeper, so we can tell stories that really land with your target customers/clients. These brand photoshoot ideas will help you think about things a little differently and allow your brand photoshoot to stand out from your competitors.

Create the Lifestyle Your Customers Dream of

If you don’t know your target customer, that’s priority #1. Your brand should be a perfect mash-up of things you like and things your target customer wants or needs (even if they don’t know it yet!). Once you understand their desires, you can plan a shoot that reflects that.

Think about how your product or service will help your target customer achieve the life they desire. Use your brand imagery to show them the lifestyle they can have by choosing your brand over others that are similar. 

This is how I approached Feminine Embodiment + Empowerment Coach, Steph Morris’, Toronto Brand Shoot. Because she helps women transform into a life of empowerment, self-love and a little bit of luxury, it was important to show exactly how this looks.

For her shoot, this meant heading to locations that are vast and inspiring in nature and Toronto studio locations that emphasized luxury and confidence.

Looking at the photos, you get a sense that Steph lives a very balanced lifestyle: one that is flowy and in the moment, but also empowered and confident in her worth when it comes to the finer things in life. Her target client sees what is possible for themselves through her shoot.

Tell a Compelling Story 

What do our brands mean if not just a product or service? Every brand has a story behind, a reason why they exist. These stories help separate you from other businesses offering the exact same thing, and it’s why I help my clients dig for these stories from the get-go.

Lindsay is a Brand & Web Designer that values making everyday special. Her company name is ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ so we wanted to find a way to bring a subtle appealing quality to all her photos.

Stopping by a flower shop on her way to work was our way of telling a story that you can find beauty in your everyday routine. That you’re deserving of beautiful things and it’s these little gestures that can bring out your best self.

The attention to detail and the appreciation for classically beautiful things is what will stand out about Lindsay’s brand and she will attract the clients that value these same things.

Make it Personal 

One of the worst things you can do for your brand shoot is try to do what everyone else is doing because you think that’s what will work. If your vibe isn’t corporate #bossbabe (and more importantly, your target customer doesn’t resonate with that) then don’t throw on a pantsuit and pose behind a desk.

My client, Taryn, from Fresh Bloom Family Services is a full spectrum doula and fertility support practitioner in Orangeville. She primarily works with couples wanting to start a family or new moms so going personal on this one made total sense. 

Taryn knew she wanted to shoot outside, but I suggested shooting in her home and with her three children, if she was up for it. She loved the idea and as a client, seeing that she has three children of her own, isn’t this someone you’d trust with your family? How much of a disconnect would it be if Taryn went for that corporate look that we see all the time on Pinterest?

Shoot in your home, involve your partner, kids, or even pets if it fits. Humanizing your brand will always help you stand out.  

Make it all About the Vibes

If my tips above haven’t inspired any light bulb moments then this last one might be for you. When in doubt, make it all about the vibes. You know what I’m talking about – when you see a photo on Instagram and you’re like ‘omg, this is it’ and you’re just feeling it on all levels, without really even understanding why.

A vibe – in my opinion – is attributed to a strong aesthetic or mood, and this can totally dictate your shoot.

My long-time client, Sarah Blake, went through a major rebrand. She was a copywriter and now she is a cyclical living coach. Her original photos were very corporate, but for this shoot she knew she wanted to go in a completely different direction.

Her brand identity is a bit dark and moody, but artsy and creative too. I knew the wardrobe and lighting would make or break this shoot. So I played up those moody and artsy vibes with dramatic lighting, interesting angles and of course, appropriate editing.

Sarah’s response? ‘The vibe is so good,” she said after viewing the photos. Mission accomplished.

Making a mood or ‘vibe’ the core theme of your shoot will point you in a very clear direction of location, lighting, props and outfits. It’s also an incredible way to reinforce visual elements of your brand and make you recognizable and memorable. 

Planning a brand shoot might seem as simple as throwing a few outfits together and showing up, but if you want to say more with your photos then it’s worth thinking strategically. I hope these brand photoshoot ideas can jumpstart the process for you or you can reach out and I’ll handle it all for you. Check out my Brand Photography Packages & Pricing.



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies