How To Refresh Your Brand For The New Year

The New Year is the perfect time to start anew. And even if you’re not starting something from ground zero, it can be inspiring to take a look at what’s working and what’s not working for your business. If you’re looking to refresh your brand for the New Year then here are a few easy things you can do to shake things up.

Help Your Customers Achieve Their Goals 

At this time every year everyone at least has a few goals they want to accomplish. Maybe now they realize they can’t do everything on their own. 

women running in the rain

Tie YOUR product or service into their goals. How can you help them achieve what they are setting out to do this year? 

Once you have the answer to this, sprinkle it into your content whenever you can. 

Clean Out Your Content

This is a great time to look back at your content pillars for social media and see if they are still relevant to your audience. Sometimes a subtle tweak can resonate so much better. 

Instagram highlights or outdated bios are other things that get often get overlooked. Look at refreshing both with current/more relevant information and delete old content that no longer fits the bill. 

Find Out Exactly What Your Audience Wants to See 

You can create an actual survey to find out what your audience wants to see more of (I’ve used typeform before) or you can create an Instagram poll.

person taking a survey

This is an easy way to gauge whether your content is useful or not. Try taking your content pillars and stacking them up against each other to see which you should prioritize more. For example, I might ask my audience if they prefer seeing personal brand photography or product photography?

Look at Your Analytics 

Look at your Instagram analytics and double down on the content that performs well. You can also look at Google Analytics and your other social media insights to see if there are any trends across the board. 

Update Your Branding Photos

Brands are constantly shifting and evolving. Even if your core messaging stays the same, you might think of new ways to showcase that. It also goes without saying that the demand for fresh content in today’s social media age is like never before.

Getting brand photography done on a regular basis allows you to stay relevant and top of mind with your customers. With each photo it provides the breadcrumbs your audience needs to know, like, and trust you. 

toronto brand photography

Looking for inspiration? My Brand Photoshoot Ideas to Inspire Your Next Shoot can help you plan a shoot that helps you stand out from your competitors and share your unique story.

The New Year doesn’t mean you have to overhaul everything! Taking the time to check in with your brand and figuring out new ways to present yourself will make all the difference this year!



Want to DIY your brand photos? Here are 10 photos you can easily replicate at home with a smartphone and a tripod!

uplevel your selfies